Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thoughts and questions on language

  • I think that language is learned. Extract A claims that a child learns language without conscious effort, but that is not necessarily the case. When a baby grows up, it can't automatically speak the native tongue of its family. The baby's parents have to teach the baby words that relate to certain forms of communication, otherwise, the baby will not know how to speak the language. The parents are the teachers of the language. I think communication, on the other hand, is innate. Even when babies are really small, they always find some simple way to communicate their needs to their parents. It can come in the form of crying when babies are hungry or in pain, or it could come from laughter when a parent does something to make the baby happy. The reading I have used is Is Human Language Innate Or Learned? This is from the second reading packet known as Language. The page number I used is pg. 84. 
  • 1. Can the vocal sounds and movements of babies be considered a language?
  • 2. Can babies form cogent thoughts if they do not have an established language to mentally express their opinions in their heads?

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