- Selective attention is when an individual focuses their attention on only one item or action in their environment, and block out possible cases of interference Inattention blindness is an effect of selective attention. It is when an individual is so focused on one objective that they are unable to notice differences that occur in their environment outside of the scope of their attention.
- A personal example of selective attention came to light when I was in the depths of my own mind. I was thinking about TV, and I blocked out everything else during that time An example of selective attention in the Area of Knowledge known as human sciences came in the form of a video called Selective Attention Test. The objective that the video asked the viewer to complete was that they had to count how many times the people in the white shirts passed a ball. As a result, the viewer's sole focus would be to pay attention to the players in white, and they would block out everything else.
- A personal example of of inattention blindness continued when my mom asked me to do a chore while I was thinking about TV. I was so into my thoughts that I did not even hear my mom when she presented her request. An example of inattention blindness in the Area of Knowledge of human sciences appeared at the conclusion the Selective Attention Test, video. The people in white made a total of fifteen passes, but in focusing on the objective, the viewer may have experienced inattention blindness when they might have failed to see a gorilla walk right into the middle of the scene and beat his chest.
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