Monday, January 7, 2013

Knowledge Issues Questions

1. A mind boggling event happened in the world of medical science when Scott Routley managed to communicate with his doctors. Scott was about twenty-seven years old when he was involved in a car accident that left him in a vegetative state. For over twelve years, he could not communicate with anyone until the day Dr. Adrian Owen preformed an experiment on him. By reading his brain activity with an fMRI machine, Dr. Owen was able to gain yes or no answers from Scott, even to the question which has haunted the loved ones of vegetative state patients for years: "Do you feel any pain?"
Now that this method of communication has been enacted, there are several thought provoking, knowledge issue questions to be considered:
I. (If a patient answers yes to the question of pain, what should be done to alleviate it?) What does good evidence present as the correct solution?
II. (If a patient answers yes to whether or not they wish to die, should the doctors take his life?) In what ways does value effect our perception of ethics?
III. (If the family wishes to keep a patient alive even though they want death, should the doctors obey the family, or the patient?) Whose opinion is of more value?

2. Movies can create a great amount of controversy for their viewers. Some movies make more money, and gain more popularity than other films. This statement can even be applied to movies that are made by the same company. Some people love a certain movie while others cannot stand it. In order to gain further insight into the world of films, here are some knowledge issue questions that apply to this subject:
I. What makes a movie so popular to the masses?
II. Why are some movies more liked than others?
III. Why do some people like one movie while others hate it?
IV. What does a viewer search for when he or she watches a movie?
V. If a movie does not make a lot of money, can it still be popular?
VI. Can a movie truly be bad or good?

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