Monday, March 4, 2013

Logical Falacies - utility and cautions

1. The "Straw Man" fallacy occurs when a person's position is ignored and distorted by another person.

Luke: I think that we should get out some more
Jack: What are you talking about?
Luke: We spend too much time cooped up in this house.
Jack: Why bother? All you ever do is stay inside and play video games.

2. The "Appeal To Spite" fallacy occurs when spite is the driving force in an arguement against a certain claim.

Jason: I think that the Ra'zac are my favorite characters in the novel, Eragon.
Henry: What? Don't you remember that the Ra'zac killed Brom?
Jason: Oh man, I forgot about that. I hate the Ra'zac!

3. The link below leads to a video that involves the Ad Hominem. In this video Barack Obama is in an interview with a newsman, and the newsman presents a claim from Sarah Palin. She complained about the fact that Obama's nuclear defense policy was bound to hurt America in the long run. Obama uses the logical fallacy of Ad Hominem, for instead of addressing Palin's claim, he attacks her knowledge of the situation by saying that she is not an "expert in nuclear issues."

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